
Mons. Antonino Raspanti

Vice President of CEI

Mons. Antonino Raspanti was born in Alcamo, in the province and diocese of Trapani, on 20 June 1959.
He received the diaconate on 6 March 1982 and was ordained priest on 7 September 1982, in the Mother Church of Alcamo, by H.E. Mons. Emanuele
On July 26, 2011 he was appointed by Pope Benedict XVI as Bishop elected of the Diocese of Acireale and on October 1st, receiving episcopal ordination in the
Acireale Cathedral, he took possession of the diocese.

9.00 am - 12.00 pm

Saturday 26th Feb

Session I - Joint session for mayors and participants to the Italian Episcopal Conference

9 am: Introduction by Dario Nardella, Mayor of Florence and His Em. Cardinal Gualtiero Bassetti, Metropolitan Archbishop of Perugia - Città della Pieve and President of CEI

9.20 am: Address by co-chairs Mons. Antonino Raspanti, Vice President of CEI and Enzo Bianco, President of the National Council of ANCI (Italian National Association of Municipalities) and Vice president of CIVEX (Commission for Citizenship, Governance, Institutional and External Affairs of COR - European Committee of the Regions)

09.30 am: Open session during which mayors and CEI participants will discuss the topics addressed by the keynote speakers